I was very fortunate to go and see the play “Photograph 51” this week, starring Nicole Kidman and produced by Michael Grandage. It tells the story of Rosalind Franklin who took the first photograph of the DNA double helix structure and contributed massively to science. Her work played a vital role in Crick, Watson & Wilkins research, which eventually earned the trio a Nobel prize.

It was at King’s College that Rosalind Franklin took Photograph 51. And after the performance I attended a small fund-raising dinner there with Nicole Kidman, Michael Grandage and the rest of the cast. The money raised gets split between the new cancer centre at Guys Hospital (designed by Richard Rogers) and MGC Futures.

The play was wonderful and it was such a treat to hear some behind the scenes stories from the stunning Nicole Kidman and the rest of the cast at dinner, as well as historical and up-to-date information from scientists at King’s … not to mention, supporting two good causes at the same time.



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